Languages Progression of Skills

This document outlines how we will cover relevant Languages knowledge and skills at Hartley Primary Academy for all year groups. Teachers will deliver content through the IB framework at their own discretion, ensuring that every child is working at the expected standard by meeting the key outcomes below.

Speaking and Listening

Point to objects when single words are spoken by an adult.
State name (Je m’appelle …) when asked by an adult.
Greet others.

Reading and Writing

  • Recognise individual familiar words when written.
  • Begin to notice similarities between English and other languages.
  • Write single familiar words to describe colours, using a scaffold.
  • Write single words when given a scaffold.

Reading and Writing

  • Recognise individual familiar words when written.
  • Begin to notice similarities between English and other languages.
  • Write single familiar words to describe colours, using a scaffold.
  • Write single words when given a scaffold.

Key outcomes for the end of year

  • Say hello in another language.
  • Say ‘Je m’appelle…’ to introduce self.
  • Show some understanding of single words, for example, by pointing to something blue when hearing the word ‘bleu’, or explaining what this means.

Speaking and Listening

  • Listen and show understanding of single words through physical response.
  • Recognise a familiar question and respond with a simple rehearsed response.
  • Name objects and actions and use the conjunction ‘et’.
  • Join in with actions to accompany familiar songs.

Reading and Writing

  • Read aloud individual familiar words.
  • Read and show understanding of single familiar words.
  • Use strategies for memorising new vocabulary.
  • Write and say simple familiar words to describe people, places, things and actions, using a scaffold.
  • Write single words from memory with understandable accuracy.

Reading and Writing

  • Name a noun, adjective, verb, pronoun and conjunction.
  • Use the masculine or feminine form of un or une correctly.
  • Use first person pronouns (je) with a verb.
  • Use le, la or les to show singular or plural nouns.

Key outcomes for the end of year

  • Respond to questions with a rehearsed response.
  • Create short phrases using the conjunction ‘et’.
  • Understand the masculine and feminine form of nouns.

Speaking and Listening

  • Listen and show understanding of short phrases through physical response.
  • Ask and answer several simple and familiar questions with a rehearsed response.
  • Use familiar vocabulary to say simple sentences using a language scaffold.
  • Join in with some of the words of a song or rhyme, sometimes from memory.

Reading and Writing

  • Read aloud familiar phrases.
  • Read and show understanding of familiar phrases.
  • Use a bilingual dictionary to find the meaning of a new word or its translation.
  • Write and say simple phrases to describe people, places, things and actions using a scaffold.
  • Write simple phrases from memory with understandable accuracy.

Reading and Writing

  • Show understanding of the position of adjectives in phrases.
  • Show understanding of the rules of agreement of adjectives when using masculine or feminine nouns.
  • Use second person pronouns (tu) with a verb.
  • Show understanding of the rules of agreement of adjectives in the singular and plural forms.

Key outcomes for the end of year

  • Say short, full sentences using a scaffold.
  • Use a bilingual dictionary to find the meaning of a new word.
  • When writing, ensure that an adjective is written after the noun.

Speaking and Listening

  • Listen and show understanding of more complex familiar phrases and sentences.
  • Ask and answer more complex familiar questions with a scaffold of responses.
  • Use familiar vocabulary to say more complex sentences using a language scaffold.
  • Follow the simple text of a familiar song or story, and join in with saying words.

Reading and Writing

  • Read aloud sentences.
  • Read and show understanding of sentences using familiar language.
  • Use a bilingual dictionary to find the meaning of words, when conjugated, for example.
  • Write and say a sentence to describe people, places, things and actions using a scaffold.
  • Write familiar sentences from memory with understandable accuracy.

Reading and Writing

  • Apply knowledge of the position of adjectives when writing sentences.
  • Apply knowledge of the rules of agreement of adjectives when using masculine or feminine nouns, when writing sentences.
  • Use first and second person pronouns with a range of regular verbs.
  • Apply understanding of the rules of agreement of adjectives in the singular and plural forms, when writing sentences.

Key outcomes for the end of year

  • Show an understanding of a short paragraph, using some familiar vocabulary. 
  • When writing, ensure that adjectives match the masculine or feminine form of the noun.
  • Say some more complex sentences aloud.

Speaking and Listening

  • Listen and show understanding of more complex sentences containing familiar and unfamiliar words.
  • Engage in a short conversation using familiar questions and express opinions.
  • Manipulate familiar language to present own ideas and information in sentences.
  • Understand the gist of an unfamiliar text, song or rhyme, using some familiar language.

Reading and Writing

  • Pronounce unfamiliar words in a sentence.
  • Read and show understanding of a series of sentences using familiar language.
  • Decode a simple unfamiliar text using a bilingual dictionary and grammatical knowledge.
  • Write and say a sentence describing people, places, things and actions by manipulating familiar language, using a dictionary for new language.
  • Write sentences by manipulating familiar vocabulary with understandable accuracy.

Reading and Writing

  • Apply all of the grammar knowledge learnt in Years 1-5 to build complex sentences.

Key outcomes for the end of year

  • Engage in a short conversation, by asking and answering questions using familiar vocabulary.
  • Decode a written paragraph using a bilingual dictionary.
  • Independently apply some of the grammatical concepts covered without prompting.